In the collage poems language is both word and image. Source texts are cut up and repurposed, overlaid, truncated--they scatter across the page and spill into the gutter, run to the outside margins. Small blocks of quotations are buttressed and broidered by other quotations, slender and enigmatic, running in the opposite direction; some are illegible, serving more as shapes, gnomic geometries born of inscrutable utterances. To embody, in graphic or poetic form, a reconstituted approach to reading and writing, one that reaches beyond the page, through difficulty, silence, and stutters, to another kind of knowledge.--Emily LaBarge "Bookforum"
One of the many wonders of Concordance, Susan Howe's latest collection, is the pitch to which Howe has brought her own marriage of words and shapes, even as she continues to demonstrate her sense of the complex interconnections of memory, history, and culture, and her mastery of the traditionally lyrical--Mark Scroggins "Hyperallergic"
In Concordance, it is as if a manuscript, along with the library used to write it, were both wrecked and then washed ashore, mostly lost, although what remains was carefully recombined and artfully reconstructed into something beautiful, monstrous, and new.--John Vincler "Poetry Foundation"
Howe frames poetry as a space for dialogue between traditions, literary forms, and artistic mediums in her meditative 11th work. Presented as collages, which cull text from the correspondence and personal papers of Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Margaret Fuller, Howe's poems skillfully demonstrate the range and possibilities of collage. Indeed, the gorgeous hybrids range from experiments in syntax to art pieces and visual poems that suggest the material nature of the archive, embodying the idea of literary inheritance. Full of thought-provoking juxtaposition, Howe's latest is beautifully executed and astonishing.-- "Publishers Weekly (starred)"
Among the worthiest heirs to the high-modernist line in American poetry. Howe's own 'American aesthetic of uncertainty' shuttles among forms, genres, and states of matter. What connects it all are Howe's powers of insight and the implied relations between her sparkling trouvailles.--Dan Chiasson "The New Yorker"
Howe is a poet who has spent her career reminding us that our experiences of meaning and sound are synchronous. Delighting in new paths around words, exploring their visual, acoustic, sonic possibilities, she revels in 'affinities and relations, ' in 'signals and transmissions.' Howe imbues her investigations of fragment and snippet with such longing that it is hard not to yearn, from one's own desk, for deep encounter. She writes against a world that disappears too far away online, in which we lose the bodily perception of space, the tenderness of touch. In this era of social distancing, I felt the prick of these poems: They urged me toward aliveness.--Tess Taylor "The New York Times Book Review"