Literary press housed in the English Department at Missouri State University. Sponsors the Moon City Poetry Award and the Moon City Short Fiction Award.
Kathy Goodkin will be reading from Crybaby Bridge for the Live Stream Poetrio: reading series hosted virtually by Malaprop's Bookstore/Cafe this afternoon at 3PM EST! RSVP here to attend (FREE) and receive an email with the link to watch the reading:
Moon City Review is housed in the English Department of Missouri State University and publishes fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and graphic narrative.
We are especially sad for our authors whose books were supposed to have their first AWP this year: Phong Nguyen for Roundabout, Kathy Goodkin for Crybaby Bridge: Poems by Kathy Goodkin, and Pablo Piñero Stillmann for Our Brains and the Brains of Miniature Sharks. (2/3)