Originally penned in the mid-eighteenth century by Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America remains one of the most penetrating and astute picture of American life, politics, and morals ever written, as relevant today as when it first appeared in print nearly two hundred years ago.
This edition, based on the revised and corrected text of the 1961 French edition and meticulously edited by the distinguished de Tocqueville scholar J. P. Mayer, is widely recognized as the preeminent translation.
Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) was born in Verneuil, France. A historian and political scientist, he came to the United States in 1831 to report on the prison system. His experiences would later become the basis for his classic study Democracy in America.
Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) was born in Verneuil, France. A historian and political scientist, he came to the United States in 1831 to report on the prison system. His experiences would later become the basis for his classic study Democracy in America.
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right. Same handle at Blsky & Mastodon.
Left—what is outlawed Right—a paragraph from Democracy in America by specifically recommended author, Alexis De Tocqueville. https://t.co/wiYEouSmfz
The Museum of We the People. America's Town Hall. Civic Education Headquarters. CEO @RosenJeffrey.
Join #AmericasTownHall for a conversation on lessons from Alexis de Tocqueville’s "Democracy in America" with Jeremy Jennings, Olivier Zunz, and Catherine Zuckert. Register for #AmericasTownHall March 6 at 12 p.m. ET: https://t.co/uBwXvSBgPa https://t.co/zOC6N6Qpj2
Nonprofit publisher dedicated to preserving America's best and most significant writing.
Spotted in @bjnovak's dark comedy Vengeance: the LOA edition of Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America! Come for the 19th-century masterpiece of American politics and society, stay for the sharp, hilarious take on the contemporary U.S. It’s streaming now! https://t.co/vsmGYTEu3v
"De Tocqueville, whose brilliance has always been granted by academics, is now accessible to readers who don't mind brilliance as long as it is readable." -- San Francisco Chronicle
"[George Lawrence's] wonderful style has given us a work that will be a standard for many years." -- Library Joural
"Among the most remarkable productions of our time." -- John Stuart Mill