A lucid and thrilling exposition of [Burke's] political philosophy.... The second part of the book is pure brilliance, a refreshingly candid and discursive examination of Burke's philosophy, and how the West might be wise to readopt it.--Washington Times
A superb new biography.... Norman makes a strong case for Burke's continuing relevance.... Norman succeeds in bringing Burke to life and championing his thought.--American Spectator
Norman Burke's biography ought to be one of the hot books for the right over the next year. Like Burke, Norman is a philosopher as well as a politician. He offers a brisk and engaging introduction to the iconic thinker's life and thought.--E.J. Dionne, Washington Post
A Conservative NP himself, Norman has been tipped as a future prime minister--but this stimulating book suggests that he may well have an alternative career as a writer instead.--Sunday Business Post Historical Epics Round-Up (UK)
Norman has a knack for presenting in clear and cogent terms notions taken from political theory, philosophy, and the social sciences.--Los Angeles Review of Books
Norman finds just the right balance between fact-paced storytelling and gripping historical detail, and he shines a light both on Burke's great strengths as a thinker, writer, and orator and on his great weaknesses.--National Review
Not since Cicero had a major political thinker been a practicing politician in the center of the arena. So it is refreshingly welcome to have Burke reassessed today by another politician.... Norman boldly summarizes Burke's thought for our time.--New Criterion
A scintillating book.... Norman's erudition and rebellious streak...has led to chatter about his potential as a Tory leader. He has something of Polonius about him. Just as with an earlier pamphlet called The Big Society, he has now, under the guise of history, articulated much of what our government stands for.--Evening Standard (UK)
An excellent book, which unites biographical and political insights. The best short biography of Burke for nearly fifty years, and a pleasure to read.--Harvey Mansfield, William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Government, Harvard University
Jesse Norman has brought back Burke in triumph. Anyone who cares about politics will pounce on this book and devour it, as I did, in a sitting. A stunning performance.--Boris Johnson, former Mayor of London
A must-read for anyone interested in politics and history.... Superb.--Matthew D?Ancona, Sunday Telegraph
A top-notch introduction to Burke and his paternity of political systems throughout the Western Hemisphere.--Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
You won't find a more impressive political philosopher than the eighteenth-century MP who more or less invented Anglosphere conservatism. And you won't find a pithier, more readable treatise on his life and works than this one.--Wall Street Journal
An engaging, highly readable, and impressively comprehensive overview. [Edmund Burke] handles the intricacies of English history and politics with great mastery and conveys Burke's character and personality as few of his biographers have managed to do.--National Review
A superb new biography.... Jesse Norman succeeds in elevating his subject, showing what is conservative about Burke, and why he matters today.--Financial Times
An outstanding biography.--Commentary