At her execution Mary, Queen of Scots wore red. Widely known as the colour of strength and passion, it was in fact worn by Mary as the Catholic symbol of martyrdom.
In sixteenth-century Europe women's voices were suppressed and silenced. Even for a queen like Mary, her prime duty was to bear sons. In an age when textiles expressed power, Mary exploited them to emphasise her female agency. From her lavishly embroidered gowns as the prospective wife of the French Dauphin to the fashion dolls she used to encourage a Marian style at the Scottish court and the subversive messages she embroidered in captivity for her supporters, Mary used textiles to advance her political agenda, affirm her royal lineage and tell her own story.
In this eloquent cultural biography, Clare Hunter exquisitely blends history, politics and memoir to tell the story of a queen in her own voice.
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Today on #MeetTheContributor, we interviewed @sewingmatters, a community textile artist, banner maker, author & Embroidery Magazine contributor, about the challenges of the industry & her latest work: 'Embroidering her Truth'. 🧵🧵
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Congratulations @sewingmatters (aka Clare Hunter)! Embroidering Her Truth: Mary, Queen of Scots and the Language of Power is shortlisted for the @Saltire_Society Scottish History Book of the Year! Pick up a copy here: