In this groundbreaking book, Esther Armah argues that the crucial missing piece to racial healing and sustainable equity is emotional justice--a new racial healing language to help us do our emotional work. This work is part of the emotional reckoning we must navigate if racial healing is to be more than a dream. We all--white, Black, Brown--have our emotional work that we need to do. But that work is not the same for all of us.
This emotional work means unlearning the language of whiteness, a narrative that centers white people, particularly white men, no matter the deadly cost and consequence to all women and to global Black and Brown people. That's why a new racial healing language is crucial.
Emotional Justice grapples with how a legacy of untreated trauma from oppressive systems has created and sustained dual deadly fictions: white superiority and Black inferiority that shape--and wound--all of us. These systems must be dismantled to build a future that serves justice to everyone, not just some of us. We are the dismantlers we have been waiting for, and emotional justice is the game changer for a just future that benefits all of us.
Prof @ OSU/feminist/dancer/friend/daughter/auntie/she-her-hers/🔺 in the struggle 4 justice. Order my book #AmericaGoddam.
YASSSSSS! Get into this book trailer for #EmotionalJustice by my girl, the incomparable @estherarmah. This book is a game-changer and can’t wait for all of us to engage this incisive brilliance.
A global institute,implementation home of EJ, a racial healing roadmap created by @estherarmah.We devise,develop, deliver Training,Projects, Thought-Leadership.
We’re honored and excited that @estherarmah’s book: EMOTIONAL JUSTICE: A Roadmap for Racial Healing is featured in @LAReviewofBooks. Thank you to Grégory Pierrot @wwJJDdo for the interview. Read more: 🔗 #EmotionalJustice #LARB
A full-service feminist communications firm founded by @KateGardiner
Emotional Justice: A Roadmap for Racial Healing by international award-winning journalist, playwright, radio host, and writer Esther Armah, provides tools to navigate an emotional reckoning on the path to racial healing, sustainable equity, and the future of DEI.