The nation's first museum celebrating writing in America's past, present, and future. From Twain to Tupac, from Dickinson to Douglass.
The quote comes from Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451! Explore Bradbury’s literary history and influences in our exhibit, Ray Bradbury: Inextinguishable before it closes on September 5. Plan your visit at #AWMRayBradbury #RayBradbury #Fahrenheit451
Nonprofit publisher dedicated to preserving America's best and most significant writing.
“FAHRENHEIT 451 ... stands as one of the most trenchant iterations of 'Told you so!' in literary history.” @BookPlusFilm brings the heat to a review of our new Ray Bradbury collection:
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We’re celebrating acclaimed author Ray Bradbury, who would have been 101 today. Best known for Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury wrote more than 30 books, 600 short stories, and a countless amount of poems, essays, and plays. Tell us if you’ve read anything by Ray Bradbury.