The old adage says that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, meaning that children usually resemble their parents. But what happens when the apples fall somewhere else--sometimes a couple of orchards away, sometimes on the other side of the world?
In this young adult edition, Andrew Solomon profiles how families accommodate children who have a variety of differences: families of people who are deaf, who are dwarfs, who have Down syndrome, who have autism, who have schizophrenia, who have multiple severe disabilities, who are prodigies, who commit crimes, and more.
Elegantly reported by a spectacularly original and compassionate thinker, Far From the Tree explores how people who love each other must struggle to accept each other--a theme in every family's life. The New York Times calls the adult edition a "wise and beautiful" volume, that "will shake up your preconceptions and leave you in a better place."
#AmanpourPBS examines global and domestic news with @amanpour and contributors. Weeknights on @PBS-check local listings. 212-560-2888.
"Far From the Tree" shares stories of families raising children who challenge society’s definition of “normal.” @amanpour speaks with author @Andrew_Solomon about the remarkable social progress he has witnessed – as well as the backlash that threatens to undermine it.
The Tuesday Agency is a full-service lecture agency exclusively representing a premier group of professional speakers.
“Belonging is one of the things that makes life bearable, and it can be tough to look at a binary world and choose against both sides.” ― @Andrew_Solomon, Far from the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity
“Would you happen to have a Ben Hur 1860? The third edition, the one with the erratum on page 116.” Don’t follow me on Facebook because I’m not there.
@mcvadc @ratemyskyperoom @anneapplebaum And FAR FROM THE TREE: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity; Andrew Solomon (2012) — here the hardcover edn. Both books also on the shelf of @juliaioffe also.
"An informative and moving book that raises profound issues regarding the nature of love, the value of human life, and the future of humanity."-- "Kirkus, starred review"