Developer & games label behind Worms, The Escapists, Overcooked, DREDGE, Trepang2, Moving Out 2 & more! Support: @Team17Help
A fish only kitchen! 🐟 How cute are the two new Penguin Skins for @Overcookedgame All You Can Eat? 🥰🐧
Senior reporter @FOS. Prior stops: @usatodaysports, @foxsports, @cbssports. Personal trainer. Proud dyslexic w ADHD. #BLM He/Him/His. Signal: 571-418-1964
@Oldham93554038 @Nomad9223 @FOS @HoopMixOnly All those folks have been charged. Most took pleas and are cooperating. That leaves Favre and former Gov. Bryant as the two big fish left. I wouldn’t be so quick to say this is over. Feds can take quite a while before wrapping up an investigation (if Favre is a target/person of…
Witchy Astrologer + Occult Writer. 🕊️🪽🇵🇭🇺🇸 @mysticalmentors
The two fish can represent the dual nature of Pisces and the two paradigms we live in simultaneously: life in the present moment and life in our head. The divine world and reality. The body and the soul. It’s all bound together by the same force.