Flawless is the first book of its kind dedicated to exploring the main causes of faults in wine. From cork taint, to volatile acidity, to off-putting aromas and flavors, all wine connoisseurs have encountered unappealing qualities in a disappointing bottle. But are all faults truly bad? Are some even desirable? Jamie Goode brings his authoritative voice to the table once again to demystify the science behind what causes a good bottle to go bad. By exposing the root causes of faults in wine, Flawless challenges us to rethink our assumptions about how wine should taste and how we can understand beauty in a glass.
Sensory scientist who demystifies wine tasting and helps wine enthusiasts sharpen their tasting skills and tasting notes in a supportive community
Calling all WINE ENTHUSIASTS. This is the last day to enter my Wine Enthusiasts MUST READ Giveaway. A chance to update your library with Flawless by @jamiegoode and Smellosophy by @smellosopher. Great reads for the holidays! https://kingsumo.com/g/2xbl1q/wine-enthusiasts-must-read-giveaway #giveaway #win via @RealKingS https://t.co/qGhEpNsTpT