Denis Nayland Smith pursues his quarry across continents and through the back alleys of London. As victim after victim disappears at the hands of the Devil Doctor, Smith must unravel his murderous plot before it is too late.
Includes a special feature by Leslie S. Kilnger
Cory Doctorow is a journalist and Science Fiction author.
Daughter of Fu Manchu by Sax Rohmer Pyramid Books R-1032, 1964 Cover by Rudy Nappi
"Undeniably entertaining." - Shadowlocked
"Everyone go out and do themselves a favor and pick up this book and give it a read and see just what inspired so many of the comic writer, film makers and current authors that you so admire!" - 8 Days A Geek
" and thrilling... with a timeless vibe... a no-brainier addition to your collection." - Strange Amusements
"A gloriously tawdry, breathless, cheesy, addictive series." - Open Letters Monthly
"Easily the best companion book that I have ever seen. It is not only caters to fans of Whedon but all horror fans alike." - WizardWorld