Harriet Tubman: A Reference Guide to Her Life and Works captures her life, her works, and legacy. It features a chronology, an introduction offers a brief account of her life, a dictionary section includes entries on people, places, and events related to her. A comprehensive bibliography offers a list of works about her life.
Kate Clifford Larson is the bestselling and award-winning author of Bound for the Promised Land: Harriet Tubman, Portrait of an American Hero and Walk With Me: A Biography of Fannie Lou Hamer, among other books. A specialist in Women's and African American history, Larson has consulted on museum exhibits, feature film scripts, documentaries, public history initiatives, and is frequently appeared interviewed on national and international media outlets.
Historian at @HowardU. NEW BOOK: The Gift: How Objects of Prestiges Shaped the Atlantic Slave Trade and Colonialism @cambUP_History 2024 #slaveryarchive
Historiann @KCliffLarson just published Harriet Tubman: A Reference Guide to Her Life and Works. Congratulations! #slaverayrchive #twitterstorians @womnknowhistory https://t.co/BmqfeWRl4E
Tubman scholar Larson's latest is a compendium of the most important people, places, and events associated with Tubman as well as an insightful depiction of slavery and its tragic consequences.... Entries are supplemented by pictures and assorted compelling visuals, such as a reward poster for the return of runaways. Four of the six appendices are essential primary documents, including a register of Tubman's Underground Railroad rescue missions, an 1839 inventory of enslaved people of a prominent enslaver, famous Tubman quotes and speech fragments, and the earliest published interviews and biographical essays on Tubman. The remaining appendices cover myths about the Underground Railroad and Tubman. The writing is judicious but informative, accurately depicting the remarkable achievements of this true hero. This definitive testament to Tubman's life and works will appeal to all readers. An indispensable resource for those interested in learning more about enslavement, women's studies, and 19th-century American history.