Explore the amazing human body, from the hair on your head to yourstinky feet
* Smell like a salmon
* Build a balloon intestine
* Mix up a batch of fake blood
* Crack your genetic code
How much air do your lungs hold? How are your bones like a roll oftoilet paper? Where does all your old dead skin go? How can youfigure out how tall a person is from the size of his or her feet?You ll find out the answers in Head to Toe Science. More than 40fun, easy-to-do activities using ordinary products found aroundyour house let you discover the wonders of your body from top tobottom, inside and out your brain, your bones, your digestive, circulatory, and nervous systems, and much more!
JIM WIESE is a science teacher and an educational coordinator for nonprofit organizations. He is the author of the popular science activity books Roller Coaster Science, Rocket Science, Detective Science, Spy Science, Cosmic Science, and Magic Science (all from Wiley).