Published when Studs Terkel was ninety-one years old, this astonishing oral history tackles one of the famed journalist's most elusive subjects: Hope. Where does it come from? What are its essential qualities? How do we sustain it in the darkest of times? An alternative, more personal chronicle of the "American century," Hope Dies Last is a testament to the indefatigable spirit that Studs has always embodied, and an inheritance for those who, by taking a stand, are making concrete the dreams of today.
A former death row inmate who served nearly twenty years for a crime he did not commit discusses his never-ending fight for justice. Tom Hayden, author of The Port Huron Statement, contemplates the legacy of 1960s student activism. Liberal economist John Kenneth Galbraith reflects on the enduring problem of corporate malfeasance. From a doctor who teaches his young students compassion to the retired brigadier general who flew the Enola Gay over Hiroshima, these interviews tell us much about the power of the American dream and the force of individuals who advocate for a better world. With grace and warmth, Terkel's subjects express their secret hopes and dreams. Taken together, this collection of interviews tells an inspiring story of optimism and persistence, told in voices that resonate with the eloquence of conviction.
"The value of Hope Dies Last lies not in what it teaches readers about its narrow subject, but in the fascinating stories it reveals, and the insight it allows into the vast range of human experience." --The A.V. Club
"Very Terkelesque--by now the man requires an adjective of his own." --Margaret Atwood, The New York Times Review of Books
"An American treasure." --Cornel West
🟠 @Reuters news applications editor · 😈 @DePaulCJIE fellow · 🏛 Amateur archivist · 🤖 Botfather · 🧑✈️ Drone pilot · 🦣
This weekend I finished “Hope Dies Last,” one of Studs Terkel's latter day works. Studs interviewed changemakers, immigrants, rebel priests, teens and old folks. He asked them all: What does hope mean? At the risk of appearing ✨affirmational✨, here's a few answers for you.
“Would you happen to have a Ben Hur 1860? The third edition, the one with the erratum on page 116.” Don’t follow me on Facebook because I’m not there.
@v_spelldem @ratemyskyperoom @urbnexplorer @JamesTaylor_com In the event you missed it: @SusanPage’s Studs Terkel reference shelf. TALKING TO MYSELF: A Memoir of My Times (1973) HOPE DIES LAST (2003) DIVISION STREET: AMERICA (1967) WORKING (1974) HARD TIMES: An Oral History of the Great Depression (1970)
coder @tumblr, usually found nursing a podcast/longread/soccer addiction #coys 💕 Date Me doc: 🙈
Ishmael (Quinn) Gates of Fire (Pressley) Tribe (Sebastian Junger) Hope Dies Last (or anything by Studs Terkel really) The Phantom Tollbooth 🥺