We've come a long way. The earliest human had a brain as small as a child's fist; ours are four times bigger, with spectacular abilities and potential we are only just beginning to understand.
This is How the Mind Changed, a seven-million-year journey through our own heads, packed with vivid stories, groundbreaking science, and thrilling surprises. Discover how memory has almost nothing to do with the past; meditation rewires our synapses; magic mushroom use might be responsible for our intelligence; climate accounts for linguistic diversity; and how autism teaches us hugely positive lessons about our past and future.
Dr. Joseph Jebelli's In Pursuit of Memory was shortlisted for the Royal Society Science Book Prize and longlisted for the Wellcome. In this, his eagerly awaited second book, he draws on deep insights from neuroscience, evolutionary biology, psychology, and philosophy to guide us through the unexpected changes that shaped our brains. From genetic accidents and environmental forces to historical and cultural advances, he explores how our brain's evolution turned us into Homo sapiens and beyond.
A single mutation is all it takes.
Read Science! host, book lover, biology lecturer, STEM advocate. Increasing your science TBR pile since 2008. Find me on other social media by this same handle.
@nateschweber @ComradeMorden @jenniferjacquet @WaspWoman How the Mind Changed: A Human History of Our Evolving Brain by British neuroscientist Joseph Jebelli sees its US release today. https://t.co/Ax2WCd5LIv https://t.co/k815hIQmQi
Next Big Idea Club is a book club curated by Malcolm Gladwell, Adam Grant, Susan Cain, and Daniel Pink.
🔵An Economist Goes to the Game: How to Throw Away $580 Million and Other Surprising Insights from the Economics of Sports by @pauloyer (@YaleBooks) 🔵How the Mind Changed: A Human History of Our Evolving Brain by Josesh Jebelli (@lbsparkbooks)
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Happy paperback publication day to Joseph Jebelli's HOW THE MIND CHANGED! 🧠🔬 This extraordinary book takes us on a seven-million-year journey through our own heads to reveal how our brain's evolution turned us into Homo sapiens and beyond 📚 @johnmurrays https://t.co/8x0ecKyvv7