Accessibly and incisive, this important and timely book explores how our 'natural' way of thinking interprets key economic issues, and shows how our thinking is often driven by ideas of conspiracy, morality and false causality.
David Leiser is Full Professor of Economic and Social Psychology at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. He is Past President of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology, and President of the Economic Psychology Division of the International Association of Applied Psychology. He studies lay conceptions, especially in the economic domain.
Yhonatan Shemesh holds a BA and MA in cognitive science from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. His research focuses on the ways the human evolutionary cognitive endowment affects how people think and act in the modern world.
"This engagingly written book takes us above and beyond traditional judgment and decision-making studies and the heuristics and biases of behavioral economics to explore how people develop explanatory models and concepts in the domain of economics. It contains many fascinating insights into the challenges laypeople have in understanding seemingly simple but deeply complex phenomena and economic entities (e.g. money), as well as offering a bold new direction for research into a topic where greater lay understanding has enormous social policy consequences."- Frank Keil, Yale University, USA
"For decades economists have tidily cultivated their own scientific gardens and forgotten that complex socio-economic issues may be effectively tackled with better knowledge of human beings on top of sophisticated equations. A plea for a multidisciplinary approach, this book is a much-needed attempt to foster dialogue and bridge the cognitive segmentation of social sciences." -Elsa Fornero, University of Turin, Italy
"In recent years, many economists have used psychology to understand the economy better. In their enlightening new book, Leiser and Shemesh use psychology to explain why most people understand economics so poorly. Economics insights often butt against deep-rooted ways of thinking about the world. And even when the lessons of economics are intuitive, economists' rhetoric is not. How We Misunderstand Economics and Why It Matters is a great book for anyone who wants to understand the economy - or explain it to others." - Bryan Caplan, George Mason University, USA
"Economists often express dismay at the failure of the public to understand economics. In this book, the authors (a behavioural economists and a cognitive psychologist) aim to explain why people misunderstand economics, ranging from topics like home sales and stocks to income and inflation. They reveal the cognitive shortcuts we use to make sense of complex information ('folk-economic beliefs'), the metaphors we rely on, and their effect on our thinking. They also point to the psychological traits that distort our ability to understand such vital topics."-- Journal of Consumer Policy
"David Leiser and Yhonatan Shemesh provide an elegant and striking analysis of the behavioural origins of public misperceptions of the logic and development of modern economics, and of their implications for public policy." - Egor Bronnikov, Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy