"We don't need all this doctrine and theology. Let's just go by the Bible." Have you heard that, or have you even said it yourself ? Yes, of course we need the Bible. It's the infallible, inerrant, inspired Word of God-our ultimate authority. But disconnecting from the historic creeds and confessions of the church, saying, "Out with the old, in with the new," merely brings us a fragmented Christian faith. The Apostles' Creed is a concise, compact statement of basic Christian beliefs affirmed by Christians past and present in every major branch of the historic Christian church. Written in plain and accessible language, Bob Hall's book shows how this ancient confession of faith connects with ordinary Christians today and allows us to build our lives on an unshakable foundation. I Believe is not only as a benchmark for our own beliefs but also a sound starting point for when we engage with others about the Christian faith.
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"Robert Hall spent most of his working life in the Bronx. . . and he knows people's blind spots. He knows how much pressure for social acceptance is drowning courage to find out and speak out Christ's definition of a Christian. What most people assume is Christian is not what Jesus and the Apostles taught, but simply some form of moralistic therapeutic Deism along these kinds of lines: God created the world; he wants us to be nice to one another, (taught somewhere in the Bible and by most world religions), and the central goal of life is to be happy, free from fear, and to feel good about oneself. God doesn't need to be particularly involved in one's daily life, unless there is an emergency. Good people go to heaven (whatever that might be) when they die. But if you're ready and honest enough, you'll do yourself a favor by absorbing I Believe: A Guide to the Christian Faith in the Apostles' Creed to get reminded of what the original followers of Jesus Christ knew was the true Christian faith as taught by Christ and his Apostles."
-Dr. Greg Livingstone, Founder, Frontiers, and EPC WO Senior Associate for Missions Advancement
"An absolutely great book for Sunday School class, new members' classes, etc. Bob has a real gift in explaining orthodox and complex ideas in layman's terms in an approachable way, while always backing things up with Scripture. He has obviously honed it in decades of front-line preaching to unregenerate and new believers, many of whom are not going to tackle theological tomes."
-Dr. David Ayers, Assistant Provost and professor of sociology, Grove City College
"Power needs parameters, or else it is misused or dissipated. The early church saw the power of the gospel framed by parameters in the Scriptures, and summarized those essential Christian truths in the Apostles' Creed. Robert Hall uses his skills as a seasoned scholar who has lived biblical truth for decades as a pastor at an inner-city church in New York City to write this book that examines and explains each part of the Apostles' Creed for the contemporary reader. This book displays the glories of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the basic Christian doctrines that define the church. This book will help each believer to focus on the foundational truths of the Christian faith that will empower one's daily walk with Christ."
-Jordan Lorence, Sr. Counsel, Director of Strategic Engagement, Alliance Defending Freedom
"Bob Hall has crafted a useful, faithful tool for shaping the solid rock of God's Word into an understandable sculpture reflecting the Rock of our salvation."
-Jack Roberts, Co-Co-pastor of The Bronx Household of Faith (from the Foreword)