"It’s about a bellhop in Prague and follows his fortunes through the 20th century. Hrabal got his start as a realist poet so the novel is filled with all these arresting images. It’s probably the book that I’ve reread the most."
Math teacher. I write. Nonfiction editor @LitroMagazine, Most Dangerous Thing in America podcast (it's about books: https://t.co/LRzIlsdmWX). Basketball enthusiast.
On the US side we @LitroMagazine have a piece that made me think of Bohumil Hrabal's "I Served the King of England." Those are big shoes but I think you'll like it: https://t.co/TCvEpVxzeZ
Dad, husband, reader, music geek, movie nerd, Montanan, NE DC Canine Knucklehead Ward co-founder, @cspan director of editorial operations
Bohumil Hrabal’s I Served the King of England has been on my to-read list for years, so, of course, I’m reading Too Loud a Solitude. The to-read list must never shrink. https://t.co/HmW3wRRQ4R