Fascinating information about the animals (yes, sea otters have pockets!) tucked into short, lively poems and bright, bold artwork make this collection perfect for National Poetry Month--or any day of the year.
In honor of Poem in Your Pocket Day, a child imagines the poems animals might carry in their pockets, if they had pockets. What would a hummingbird write? A fox? A sea otter? These poems capture the essences of animals furry, feathery and finny, exploring what makes each unique. Ruby-Throated Hummingbird sings with its wings, Red Fox's poem is a fiery tail flashing in the dark, and Sea Otter's poem is its secret pocket. Which poem will capture the heart of the child narrator? A poem about loving animals, of course!
Emma J. Virján is the author-illustrator of the Pig in a Wig Book series, including What This Story Needs is a Pig in a Wig and What This Story Needs is a Hush and a Shush. Visit emmavirjan.com
Poem-a-Day, #NationalPoetryMonth & more from the Academy of American Poets, the nation's leading champion of poets, poetry, and the work of poetry organizations
It’s Poem in Your Pocket Day! Celebrate with IF THIS BIRD HAD POCKETS: A POEM IN YOUR POCKET DAY CELEBRATION from @astrakidsbooks and other new titles for young readers from our advertisers https://t.co/p3M2TtDKOu #PocketPoem https://t.co/h4ylp5eeld
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A Conversation with Amy Ludwig VanDerwater and Emma Virján about IF THIS BIRD HAD POCKETS https://t.co/K0rsU4GAp9 via @CBethM #poetry #picturebook #AprilPoetryMonth https://t.co/ZDyCEDLliZ
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IF THIS BIRD HAD POCKETS by @AmyLVPoemFarm can spark creativity. I love that all the poems are written from the animals' points-of-view and that the reader learns so much about each animal in each poem." @bridgetrwilson https://t.co/oTzZU0H4Ic | #CYBILS2022 nominee #PoetryMonth https://t.co/7JtAfLSywj