The Argyros siblings have lost everything. With their father dead and their family home captured, they're no longer the rulers of their fractured kingdom--and no longer bound to each other.
In the frozen north, Rhea struggles to wield her newly inherited command over death and to find her place in an increasingly distrustful rebel group. Chrysanthi travels to a distant, war-torn land in search of her elusive brother Nitsos, certain that he is there on a dangerous mission to restore the family to its former glory, this time with himself at its head. And Lexos, now stripped of all his power and a political prisoner of the Domina family, is left to rot in a hauntingly desolate palace with nothing but thoughts of revenge.
Alone and farther apart than they've ever been, the siblings must reckon with the pain of their past and find a new path forward--or risk their own destruction.
In an Orchard Grown from Ash is the dramatic finale of a darkly beautiful, atmospheric saga that explores the cost of power and the weight of legacy.
#BookBlog by @ktboundary1. Reviews of YA, Contemporary, Business and Fantasy. Always searching for the best reading position.
Just finished Rory Power's #InAnOrchardGrownFromAsh. Beautifully complex, deeply satisfying. An exploration of power, legacy, and redemption that leaves you breathless. #MustRead #EpicFantasy #RoryPower 📚📖
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A fantasy duology with sibling dynamics and a lush world inspired by Greek mythology? Sign us up! ✨ IN A GARDEN BURNING GOLD and IN AN ORCHARD GROWN FROM ASH by Rory Power are available here:
"Power's blood-soaked and tragic conclusion to the Wind-Up Garden duology (after In a Garden Burning Gold) follows the four royal Argyros siblings--Rhea, Lexos, Nitsos, and Chrysanthi--in the wake of personal and political loss. . . . The author probes even deeper into her series' exploration of power and corruption, but adds a hopeful note amid all the tragedy and destruction that makes the bloodshed feel worthwhile. Series fans will find this a satisfying conclusion."--Publishers Weekly