There are places I'll remember, in my life, though some have changed...
One gift with a bright bow starts a young girl on a her mother follows with her as she explores, grows, and rides off on her own, only to return again with her own daughter in tow. This hauntingly beautiful book shares the small moments of that journey that are meant to be remembered and savored in the lyrics of this classic song.
Director of the journalism program at Canisius University. Freelance journalist and essayist.
@petemandik That of all his genius songs, Paul McCartney didn't write "In My Life." it was actually George Martin. I have no evidence whatsoever to back this up. Zero.
Born in Indianapolis Indiana..Moved to St Petersburg in 1998 and then ended up in Gulfport FLORIDA in 1999..I have songs on YouTube: David Knoll Gulfport FL In MY LIFE..right now I'm really bored..hey my song "You Made it GREAT For Me" is not as good as this great John Lennon classic... however it is similar in subject matter!! I used to be one lucky blessed man! David Knoll ALONE in LIFE ..forever??!