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News via @ADB_HQ: Asian Development Bank Signs $44.2 Million Blue Loan With ALBA to Reduce #Ocean #PlasticWaste in #Indonesia: https://t.co/9fMSwvWRjp @WorldOceansDay #WorldOceanDay #water #BlueEconomy #ClimateFinance #sustainability #environment #BlueLoan #GlobalDev https://t.co/6WBKVP9uLR
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UP NOW: Indonesia aims to cut emissions – slowly – with $300 million coal-plant deal. The Asian Development Bank will provide up to $300 million in debt to enable Cirebon Electric Power to decommission a 660-megawatt coal-fired power station by 2037. https://t.co/LTUetmoe2p
Former US Ambassador•Board/Biz Executive•Milken Institute Asia•Commentator & Warrior against the #littleBRIC: bureaucracy~regulation~ inequality~corruption.
#Indonesia 🇮🇩 ICYMI: “A City for All: Bambang Susantono to Lead New Capital #Nusantara.” Good to see former Asian Development Bank @ADB_HQ VP Bambang Susantono, now head of the National Capital Authority, here at Bloomberg #BBG20. https://t.co/TkG0rSeOWG via @thejakartaglobe https://t.co/VcLbzVwnaZ