Please provide me with one piece of evidence, for god, the best evidence you have. The thing which if shown to be wrong or unreliable would shake your faith.
@DrSly16 @horusrage @Wolfpak561 @WmManry @RossGilroy @A_Damned_smith @willsworldview @zapher134 @globalist13903 @protecths @zypisfy @Janetb172 @StillDizzy2 @Kalianeke @enterumbra @IHateGod427 @Tiffany_Stuff @pray2pesci @MucusMucous @tklforgiven @SecularSandwich @Chortling_Man @JohnKrahn2 @oohglobbits5 @Falchion14 @peter_telecom @HeathenSawyer @CollinOctantis @KaasKeizer @tarquinrees @tcunderdahl @WondersNorbit @TakeThatDarwin @hauxton @RealAnonDouche @TJaytheist @GoatMunch @giomis4 @ACoventryScone @MuddyWatersRecs @tk_the_kitsune @day_graeme @MagnaAdam @misreadbible The concept of a dying-and-rising god, in mythology, was explored by James Frazer - The Golden Bough (1890). He associated the motif with fertility rites surrounding the yearly cycle of vegetation, citing examples of Osiris, Tammuz, Adonis and Attis, Zagreus, Dionysus, and Jesus.
Official page for theology, culture, & pastoral posts from @McGrathND Institute's online journal. Where higher learning meets faithful service.
The Catholic affirmation of the institutional church is rooted in this logic of incarnation, which is a continuing testimony of what Jesus did. This logic is a more persistent postmodernism, indeed a Catholic postmodernism. --James K. A. Smith
Writer. Commentator. Professor. @unibirmingham @TheDailyBeast @TheAtlantic @nyt @CBS she/her/hers #spoonie
Smith has two more important pieces -- one on Historical Jesus scholarship in a volume (ed. @chriskeith7 & James Crossley) and her actual book forthcoming on this so watch this space!