Locus Award-winning writer Darcie Little Badger (A Snake Falls to Earth, Marvel's Voices: Indigenous Voices #1), and esteemed writers Andre R. Frattino (Simon Says: Nazi Hunter) and Deron Bennett, along with up-and-coming artists Nori Retherford, Alexandra Fastovets, Dani Pendergast, and celebrated cartoonist Emilia Cilento (INGOVY) bring together a timeless collection of tales about shapeshifters from around the world. With themes ranging from the importance of heritage and familial love, to cautionary tales best heeded, these stories are sure to delight all fans of Jim Henson's beloved and timeless Storyteller. Collects Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Shapeshifters #1-4.
Publisher of comics, graphic novels, art books, and more. Home to KaBOOM!, BOOM! Box, and @Archaia imprints.
The Ringo Award-winning anthology series returns for JIM HENSON’S STORYTELLER: SHAPESHIFTERS, now available wherever books are sold! W: Darcie Little Badger, @ARFstudios, @andworlddesign A: @NoriRetherford, Alexandra Fastovets, @danipendergast W/A: @em_niwa @hensoncompany