IT IS HIGH TIME TO KNOW WHAT MEDIA FAIL TO TELL US ABOUT JOE BIDEN, HOW POLITICIAN TRIED TO RIG President Trump and his allies tried to rig the 2020 Census for their political benefit. The scheme, hatched by anti-immigrant extremists like Steve Bannon and Kris Kobach, involved adding a citizenship question to the Census questionnaire. One goal was to reduce participation in the 2020 Census in immigrant communities. But that was only the beginning . - can we say JOE BIDEN is clean? ..............Click Buy NOW "He has the best chance of beating Trump, hands down," said Senator Tom Carper of Delaware, Mr. Biden's longtime friend and former colleague. "On a scale of one to 10, that's probably about a 12 for us."Who are those " US." ? AND MANY QUESTIONS LIKE;- HIS POLITICAL ASSET- How much is Jill Biden Worth- How he earned that fortune.*WHAT ARE HIS PLANS FOR AMERICAN'S-The American Middle Class- Health Care- Taxes- Debt and Workers- Infrastructure and Climate Change- Rural U.S.*HIS FOREIGN PLAN POLICYDiplomacy should be the first instrument of American power - can joe will be able To handle it ?- Is he Prepared to Lead?What's ARE HIS Education Plan?- Preschool plan*HIS SECRET GOVERNING PLAN* ACCUSED OF ACTING INAPPROPRIATELY-TOWARD WOMEN AND GIRLS - Medial manipulation and fact about itWhy are sexual assault and misbehavior allegations against Biden being ignored?Who are HIS FINANCIAL WARLORD and his winning team?Who are those warlord donors?What benefit are they seeking for?A top New York banker who is close to Mr Biden said the campaign had seen a new influx of Wall Street money in the past two days, while a third donor said the campaign was seeing new momentum.It's fair to say Joe Biden's electability has been discussed more than his policies. The former vice president is defined by what he is not - radical or revolutionary? - and many answers you cannot found on media that are fact and truthCan JOE BIDEN be a right president for united state at this time?There are lots of question to ask and many answers is here in this book "JOE BIDEN AND WINNING TEAM" ......just click .... BUY NOW