La Jetée is the book version of the legendary 1964 science fiction film about time and memory after a nuclear apocalypse. Chris Marker, the undisputed master of the filmic essay, composed the film almost entirely of still photographs.
It traces a desperate experiment by the few remaining survivors of World War III to recover and change the past, and gain access to the future, through the action of memory. A man is chosen for his unique quality of having retained a single clear image from prewar days: no more than an ambiguous memory fragment from childhood -- a visit to the jetty at Orly airport, the troubling glance of an unknown woman, the crumpling body of a dying man.
These elements become crucial hinge-points in the ensuing narrative, thickening and accumulating nuance with each successful expedition into the historical past. The image of the woman, increasingly suffused now with the time- and eros-bestowing capacities of a deep but impossible love, provides the kernel for the recovery of the dimension through which humankind and history will be saved, as well as the tragic abyss into which both the hero and the narrative inexorably fall. The story Marker tells -- a stunning parable of our modern fate -- is about the death of the world, about loss, memory, hope, and the indomitable power of love. This edition reproduces the original film's images along with its accompanying text in both English and French.
MUBI [mōō'bē] is an online movie theater where you watch, discover, and discuss films.
Chris Marker’s game-changing photo-roman, LA JETÉE is a recursive and sorrowful stream of fragments and memories.
Author (The Protagonist's Journey), Screenwriter (K-9), Host (, official Black List screenwriting blog), also
Page One: "12 Monkeys" (1995), screenplay by David Webb Peoples & Janet Peoples, inspired by the film 'La Jetée' written by Chris Marker
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@vintagedamage How about something from our Auteur's in Space series? We'd recommend checking out LA JETÉE, Chris Marker's radical tale of time travel told in still images, and Fassbinder's gloriously paranoid, boundlessly inventive take on the future WORLD ON A WIRE!
[La Jetée] evokes much of the film's impact, successfully conveying its lyrical, dreamlike quality and its message of hope and love.
--Booklist[La Jetée is] a remarkable short film about romance and postapocalyptic time can get a further sense of La Jetée's power in the photobook version...a superb job of preserving the sense of fragmentation, fragility, and stark visual beauty that has made La Jetée a classic.