Ninth novel The Three Graces out now. "I write to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted." FRLS etc
Larry’s Party by Carol Shields review — an exceptional novel about a very ordinary man Claire Powell, whose debut At The Table is a delight @LittleBrownUK
Library serving Multnomah County, Oregon since 1864.
How about a view into an entire life? Larry's Party by Carol Shields might be what you're looking for: #AskALibrarian
Award-winning short fiction writer, novels brewing. HC #CostaShortStoryAward 2021, @BathNovelAward LL 2017, 20, 21, #BNA2021 Cornerstones LL prize. she/her/cis
Canadian friends -help! Dipping into Larry’s Party by Carol Shields, I’ve come across this and must have missed it before. Do Canadians rhyme Larry with ordinary? Have I been mispronouncing his name in my head for DECADES? In the UK it’s La-Ree (equal stress on each) not LAIR-ee