"“Last and First Men”... is a British novel written in about the 1930s by Hegelian professor called Olaf Stapledon, who imagined what the human race would look like millions of years from now... And I find that to be a very mind expanding book."
Michael Nielsen is a writer, scientist, and programmer.
Olaf Stapledon's "Last and First Men" and "Starmaker". I've never read "Odd John", and should.
Ross Andersen is the deputy editor of The Atlantic.
Letter of rec for the cosmic-minded: The composer Johann Johannsson’s film adaptation of Olaf Stapledon’s LAST AND FIRST MEN, wherein Tilda Swinton (!) reads a spare 70-min cut of the book over a dreamy ambient score and Kubrickian shots of brutalist megaliths in the Balkans. https://t.co/3jQfZtaczK