Critic Reviews
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The 40-year history of how Democrats chose political opportunity over addressing inequality--and how the poor have paid the price
For decades, the Republican Party has been known as the party of the rich: arguing for "business-friendly" policies like deregulation and tax cuts. But this incisive political history shows that the current inequality crisis was also enabled by a Democratic Party that catered to the affluent.
The result is one of the great missed opportunities in political history: a moment when we had the chance to change the lives of future generations and were too short-sighted to take it.
Historian Lily Geismer recounts how the Clinton-era Democratic Party sought to curb poverty through economic growth and individual responsibility rather than asking the rich to make any sacrifices. Fueled by an ethos of "doing well by doing good," microfinance, charter schools, and privately funded housing developments grew trendy. Though politically expedient and sometimes profitable in the short term, these programs fundamentally weakened the safety net for the poor.
This piercingly intelligent book shows how bygone policy decisions have left us with skyrocketing income inequality and poverty in America and widened fractures within the Democratic Party that persist to this day.
Founded in 1914, The New Republic is a magazine of interpretation and opinion for a rapidly changing world.
The historian Lily Geismer’s new book, “Left Behind,” should make almost any left-of-center reader retroactively furious about the 1990s and the inability of its architects to foresee the twenty-first century they were creating.
Public Books is an online magazine of ideas, arts, and scholarship.
What if Reagan was the end of something, rather than the beginning? Henry M. J. Tonks reviews “Left Behind” (2022, @public_affairs) by Lily Geismer (@LGeismer) & “Partisans” (2022, @BasicBooks) by Nicole Hemmer (@pastpunditry).
Heartlander at heart. Podcasting about education, policy and politics @HaveYouHeardPod. Co-author of A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door. Irrationally exuberant.
New @haveyouheard features @LGeismer discussing her fantastic book Left Behind: the Democrats' Failed Attempt to Solve Inequality. Such a good episode!