For his 2007 critically acclaimed 33 1/3 series title, Let's Talk About Love, Carl Wilson went on a quest to find his inner Céline Dion fan and explore how we define ourselves by what we call good and bad, what we love and what we hate.
At once among the most widely beloved and most reviled and lampooned pop stars of the past few decades, Céline Dion's critics call her mawkish and overblown while millions of fans around the world adore her "huge pipes" and even bigger feelings. How can anyone say which side is right?
This new, expanded edition goes even further, calling on thirteen prominent writers and musicians to respond to themes ranging from sentiment and kitsch to cultural capital and musical snobbery. The original text is followed by lively arguments and stories from Nick Hornby, Krist Novoselic, Ann Powers, Mary Gaitskill, James Franco, Sheila Heti and others.
In a new afterword, Carl Wilson examines recent cultural changes in love and hate, including the impact of technology and social media on how taste works (or doesn't) in the 21st century.
Author of "Status and Culture" and "Ametora." Newsletter at
13. Carl Wilson @carlzoilus - Let's Talk About Love To learn about taste, best start here. Wilson provides an easy explanation of Bourdieu's ideas, and this book remains important as one of the few serious explorations into the mass taste that sits outside elite opinion.
PhD in music education; Groove Pizza guy; co-author of Electronic Music School with @willkuhn; adjunct prof at NYU, Montclair State and the New School; he/him
@chancery_daily @zoelle This, I don't know. I would think? Maybe start with Celine Dion's Let's Talk About Love: A Journey to the End of Taste by Carl Wilson.
"Only work gets done here." —Becky Lynch
Hmm. Maybe a really good cultural criticism book about a widely known topic, like Carl Wilson’s Let’s Talk About Love: A Journey to the End of Taste or Eula Biss’s On Immunity. Lots of stuff in each book for readers of all interests to chew on.
"Like the whole world, I'm a fan of Carl Wilson's Celine Dion book." --Jonathan Lethem
"An evergreen classic of music criticism a love letter from a cerebral pop aesthete to the music he sincerely, almost sentimentally hates." --Rob Sheffield
"Carl Wilson is a profound listener and an extraordinary writer. Along with being a tremendously important piece of criticism, Let's Talk About Love is an agile, moving, and generous exploration of the music that accompanies us, welcome or not, on the travels we all need to make on our own. It is a beautiful, funny, unerringly concise book that invites repeated readings, new conversations, and a thoughtful engagement with the culture of our time." --John K. Samson
"The book is laugh-out-loud funny, whip-smart about contemporary thought, and fascinating in its many voices, but, readers, beware you may wind up humming that song for days afterward." --Eloise Kinney, Booklist
"[I]t's a conversation worth having: as a dialogue between Wilson and his 13 disciples, with peers in social circles, and ultimately with oneself. Why we like what we like is always a fun topic to discuss, but it's often more challenging and more enlightening to discuss the converse: why we don't like what we don't like... Any investigation into cool is incomplete without due consideration of too-cool-for. Wilson has provided a primer for that discourse." --Kurtt Gottshalk, Brooklyn Rail
"Let's Talk About not just a critical study of one Céline Dion album, but an engaging discussion of pop criticism itself." --Elias Leight, LA Review of Books
"...the recently updated Let's Talk About Love--cheekily re-subtitled Why Other People Have Such Bad Taste and bundled with a host of excellent accompanying essays from the book's admirers including Krist Novoselic, Nick Hornby, Ann Powers, and James Franco is a welcome excuse to revisit the main text in light of our current state of hyperspeed discourse. It's also a good excuse to catch up with Wilson, who continues to be an essential voice in the rock writer community while serving as Slate's music critic." --Ryan Dombal, Pitchfork
"In this gnostic context, Carl Wilson's Let's Talk About Love: A Journey to the End of Taste, first published in 2007, was a counter-intuitive masterstroke. Wilson's gamble--that even people who hate Céline Dion would be curious to read an entire book about why they hate her, and what that hatred might mean paid off handsomely: Let's Talk About Love was widely and enthusiastically reviewed outside the usual music-geek circles, Wilson appeared on NPR and The Colbert Report, and last year he was hired as Slate's chief music critic, as plum a gig as a pop critic can expect in today's collapsing media economy." --Ellis Avery, Public Books
"Freaking brilliant." --Will Hermes, Hippies and Hipsters
"Carl Wilson's 2007 entry in the 33 1/3 library of pocket-sized books about classic albums is one of the most celebrated in the series. The author goes against the critical grain, not because he defends the music of this much-maligned international phenomenon. Wilson spends most of the book putting Dion into social and cultural context that in the end does not win him over to her kind of music. Wilson's book, unlike most criticism, openly invites dialogue, even providing an email contact for readers to beat their own breasts for and against Céline Dion." --Pat Padua, Spectrum Culture