Fisher-Hunter-5thDan Karate Sensei- -Author-Christian Calling Coach-Quaker Pastor-blog= Check out #Seekism #Slamism
The most wonderful thing @ what God can do in your spirit is that no corruption in this world can touch it/Almost every aspect of life is tainted/But Christ is perfectly holy & true/He alone can give Truth & virtue/What He gives will last forever & cannot B taken away! #SEEKism
A #miracle is never lost. It may touch many people you have not even met.…
The ego-based mind tells you this life is your existence because it is its own. Against this sense of temporary existence the Holy #Spirit offers you the #knowledge of permanence and unshakable being.
Official Twitter for Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago
A blessed Trinity Sunday to everyone as we celebrate the mystery of the Triune God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Today we also celebrate the mystery of the Church that draws her life and her mission from the #MostHolyTrinity.