Me: interests: #scicomm, books, gardening, philosophy, science journalism, photography, #nature, #travel, #DiscWorld, and so on.
@SgtDDonowitz @inversefox @DavidHirsh tcha. Even 30 years ago was already the Cambodian killing-fields and Chomsky. On the other side, already, was Geoffrey Pullum's famous extempore lecture on how Chomsky & his acolytes had grossly hobbled the entire field of grammatical linguistics for two generations, now four
"An approachable, fascinating resource for those interested in the mechanics of words."
--The Guardian
"[A] fascinating, beautifully written and highly accessible exposition of why the science of language matters. Strongly recommend it."
--Oliver Kamm, columnist for The Times of London
"Geoff Pullum, tart and cosmopolitan as always, has at last given the world the handiest possible remedy for idea that what's interesting about language is snippy rules about where prepositions shouldn't be, that different languages make you think in different ways, or that Siri actually understands us. Linguistics is fascinating far beyond these myths and this book will show you why in a quick coffee-cup read.'
--John McWhorter, Columbia University
"Geoff Pullum among our greatest living linguists, with a deep appreciation of the richness of language and the elegance of linguistic theory. He is also one of the finest stylists writing today, and presents ideas with dazzling clarity and wit. No one is better equipped to explain linguistics and why it matters."
--Steve Pinker, Johnstone Professor of Psychology, Harvard University, and the author of The Language Instinct and How the Mind Works
"Hard to put down and infinitely informative ... Pullum's book has the feel of a casual conversation with a personable and knowledgeable companion."