Caught between the old-world values of her Italian grandmother, the nononsense wisdom of her mom, and the boys who continue to mystify her, Josephine is on the ride of her life. This will be the year she falls in love, the year she discovers the secrets of her family's past--and the year she sets herself free.
Told with unmatched depth and humor, this novel--which swept the pool of Australian literary awards and became a major motion picture--is one to laugh through and cry with, to cherish and remember.
Lawyer by day, my real love is reading 💜
On page 168 of 304 of Looking for Alibrandi, by Melina Marchetta
The latest writing on arts, culture and society from across Australia, along with resources and awards for writers. 💛
. @ElizabethFlux speaks to playwright Vidya Rajan and director Stephen Nicolazzo about how adapting 'Looking For Alibrandi' for the stage was an opportunity to explore new angles and themes within Melina Marchetta’s beloved novel.
Australia's first dedicated centre for books, writing and ideas.
Just announced: @_PiaMiranda will be joining next week's Adapting Alibrandi panel at @malthousemelb! Book now to discuss Looking for Alibrandi's enduring legacy with Melina Marchetta, @vidyarrrr, Stephen Nicolazzo, Pia Miranda & @brodielancaster. 🎟️