There's a big difference between getting paid for your writing and making a living from it. In this book, award-winning children's author Laura Purdie Salas shares insights and habits gained over 20+ years of writing (and related speaking and teaching) for kids. Her successes and failures are laid bare, in detail. You will learn: -What kind of mindset adjustments must I make to build a career? -Besides my book sales, what related writing and speaking can I do to earn money? -What habits do many successful working writers have in common? -How do I keep my writing business organized? -What's the difference between networking and promotion, and do I really have to do either one of them? -What conferences should I go to? -How do I negotiate better contracts? -How do I find some kind of balance between life and work? -Why do I always have to handle the family appointments? -How can I avoid professional humiliation or deal with it when it does happen? And lots more. With honesty, tough love, and humor, Salas spreads out the business side of writing for a living. You'll gain a realistic view of how to approach and achieve a livable income as a writer. (And you'll know whether this field is for you, or whether you want to stick with your day job and write on the side for pure love!) NOTE: About 80% of the information in this book applies to writers for adults and also other creatives. But since Salas is a children's writer, the examples come from the children's publishing world, and some information, like school visits, is particular to children's writers. Laura Purdie Salas is the author of more than 125 books for children, including Meet My Family!, If You Were the Moon, the Can Be series, and BookSpeak! Recognition for her books includes starred reviews, the Minnesota Book Award, NCTE Notable Books, Bank Street Best Books, Riverby Award for Nature Books, Scholastic Book Club editions, foreign editions, and more. Salas has taught writers through classes, conferences, and online for many years. "Making a Living is a practical guide focused on the Children's Literature business, but it is useful for any self-employed human being trying to make a living through creative work of any kind. Reading it affirmed many things I've learned over the years and gave me new ideas to try. It is a good resource to own and refer to over and over as the political climate, business climate, and one's personal life changes." --Georgia A. Greeley, artist, writer, and teacher "I think most writers would love to sit down with a mentor over a cup of tea. Laura Purdie Salas's personal tone in Making a Living as a Children's Writer makes reading it feel like a conversation with her. It is FULL of information for every children's writer, and it's thorough. Not only does Laura share the details of how she makes a living writing for children, she guides the reader to do the same through personal experiences, tips, and next steps to take. Even as an experienced writer, I found nuggets (and heaps) of wisdom in every section. I appreciate how there is enough information in this book that Laura could have prepared a writing conference on the content...instead she makes this comprehensive book affordable and accessible for all of us." --Annette Whipple, children's writer "If you want to make a living writing for children, or if you already do but want to up your game, don't pass on this book. It's the most thorough and informative book you'll find on this subject." --Avery Elizabeth Hurt, children's author "Reading this book is like having a nice long chat with an experienced author--and learning from her years of experience!" --Buffy Silverman, author of nonfiction books and poetry for kids "Salas is an organizational, motivational whiz. Packed with specific, down-to-earth advice that will help both newbie and experienced writers set and reach career goals." --Michelle Schaub, author of Fresh-Picked Poe