Discover the true story of an orphaned mallard duckling being raised by a pair of loons.
On a lake in northern Wisconsin in 2019, loon researchers were surprised to discover a mother and father loon caring for a mallard duckling. Normally loons and mallards live very different lives and do not get along. Follow along as the duckling grows and displays a mix of both loon behaviors and mallard behaviors. Intriguing verse and striking illustrations combine in this heartwarming tale of unexpected animal cooperation.
Debra Shumaker is a children's book author.
@PicBkBuilders has another FABULOUS post today with @LauraPSalas' FINDING FAMILY. This post is full of insight on lyrical language and revision and the book is gorgeous! Don't miss this post!
Author (she/her) #12x12PB #CtCWriters #SCBWI Repped by Lori Steel - Red Fox Literary #StoryJammers #STEAMTeamBooks #PBSpree No DMs
Insight into the wordsmithing of a beautiful, heart-filled book, plus a #givewaway #kidlit #picturebooks
We are 8 pb creators who love promoting picture books and reading.
BOOK GIVEAWAY! Today on PBB, poet @LauraPSalas generously shares her process of crafting the stunning true story, FINDING FAMILY, lushly illus by @Beavs! @CarolCHinz @LernerBooks
"An entertaining and informative story that will find a home in many collections."--School Library Journal
-- (3/1/2023 12:00:00 AM)"Engaging natural science for the very young."--Kirkus Reviews
-- (12/15/2022 12:00:00 AM)