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Percival Lowell was a wealthy gentleman astronomer in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Today, he is mostly known for predicting "Planet X" (Pluto) in 1906 At the time though, he was famous for seeing "canals" on Mars and "spokes" on Venus, obvious evidence of alien life...
Twitter feed for the online edition of the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, principal editors John Clute and David Langford.
... US astronomer Percival Lowell, in Mars (1895) & its successors Mars & Its Canals (1906) & Mars as the Abode of Life (1909), built up an image of a cool, arid world with.. deserts & a few areas of arable land.. capable of sustaining life". SFE on Lowell
Astrophysicist and Christian. Interested in the intersection of science and religion. I like games, sci-fi, and weightlifting, too.
The 24" Clark Refractor telescope at the Lowell Observatory, famous for Percival Lowell's observations and controversial speculation about life on Mars. There is something romantic about peering into the vast unknown from our lonely little island in space.