In the classic Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis, the most important writer of the 20th century, explores the common ground upon which all of those of Christian faith stand together. Bringing together Lewis' legendary broadcast talks during World War Two from his three previous books The Case for Christianity, Christian Behavior, and Beyond Personality, Mere Christianity provides an unequaled opportunity for believers and nonbelievers alike to hear this powerful apologetic for the Christian faith.
Clive Staples Lewis (1898-1963) was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century and arguably one of the most influential writers of his day. He was a Fellow and Tutor in English Literature at Oxford University until 1954, when he was unanimously elected to the Chair of Medieval and Renaissance Literature at Cambridge University, a position he held until his retirement. He wrote more than thirty books, allowing him to reach a vast audience, and his works continue to attract thousands of new readers every year. His most distinguished and popular accomplishments include Out of the Silent Planet, The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, and the universally acknowledged classics The Chronicles of Narnia. To date, the Narnia books have sold over 100 million copies and have been transformed into three major motion pictures.
Clive Staples Lewis (1898-1963) fue uno de los intelectuales más importantes del siglo veinte y podría decirse que fue el escritor cristiano más influyente de su tiempo. Fue profesor particular de literatura inglesa y miembro de la junta de gobierno en la Universidad Oxford hasta 1954, cuando fue nombrado profesor de literatura medieval y renacentista en la Universidad Cambridge, cargo que desempeñó hasta que se jubiló. Sus contribuciones a la crítica literaria, literatura infantil, literatura fantástica y teología popular le trajeron fama y aclamación a nivel internacional. C. S. Lewis escribió más de treinta libros, lo cual le permitió alcanzar una enorme audiencia, y sus obras aún atraen a miles de nuevos lectores cada año. Sus más distinguidas y populares obras incluyen Las Crónicas de Narnia, Los Cuatro Amores, Cartas del Diablo a Su Sobrino y Mero Cristianismo.
Reader of Fantasy & Philosophy, Sometimes a Teacher, Always a Student, Continually Amazed. Trying to be like Jesus, #Justice #Kindness #Humility
"How monotonously alike all the great tyrants and conquerors have been: how gloriously different are the saints." -C.S. Lewis, "Mere Christianity."
Husband to Kim, Pastor of The Village Chapel/Nashville, lover of old books, loud music, cycling, & pursuing the God who has rescued my soul. IG: pastorjimtvc
“We want to know whether the universe simply happens to be what it is for no reason or whether there is a power behind it that makes it what it is.” -C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity @CSLewisDaily @CSLewis_Quote @CSLewisFound @CSLewisInst
husband and dad. Christ follower. @gordonconwell student. parishless anglican. Boise St & Colts fan. CoD fan
Lewis in Mere Christianity: “The central Christian belief is that Christ’s death has somehow put us right with God and given us a fresh start.” I could sit and meditate and weep over this truth for days.
"As we witness Lewis develop we find that these volumes are working as a kind of unconscious autobiography." -- Books & Culture
"C. S. Lewis understood, like few in the past century, just how deeply faith is both imaginative and rational." -- Christianity Today
"It is not surprising that Lewis's time-proven views are still flourishing while most other mid-20th-century works are nearly neglected." -- Wall Street Journal