Discover the amusing activities children and their pet cats do together in My Cat. Enjoy twenty-five colorful, whimsical illustrations of cats helping their human pals with all kinds of fun things. Children and the young at heart will laugh at what these talented kitties can manage. My Cat is perfect for fostering the love of reading in five to eight year-olds and storytime too.
The artistry in the book My Cat is excellent. I loved the bold primary color palette and found the blend of realism with kid-friendly illustrations to be really well done. The diversity of characters is also to be praised. Readers' Favorite review
This children's book has lovely colored pictures of children and their different kinds of cats, all enjoying various activities together. The pictures are a delight, and the illustrator has done a super job. The simple sentence on each page makes it easy for a young child to learn to read the book while enjoying the artwork. If you are looking for a book for a child for their birthday, holiday gift, or just to give them, this book is lovely and simple. And who doesn't love a book about cats? My Cat: 5 Sheep I Smell Sheep review