Masterpieces: not a word can be missed.-- "DE VOLKSKRANT"
When a story ends with a riddle, or a doubt, as many of his do, the subject of the story becomes, in part, really, Snijders's own questioning, or, more broadly, our own shared habitual uncertainty, perhaps even the shared uncertainty of our human existence--Lydia Davis
For all their brevity and mystery, these stories ultimately touch on the way that perception, language, connection, and an appreciation of the natural world give depth, even joy, to life. Deceptively simple, disarmingly charming.-- "Kirkus"
Throughout, there's a good deal of attention paid to dikes and honeybees, adding up to a multidimensional evocation of rural life in Holland. One has a feeling, at the end of each sketch, most of which fit on one page, that Snijders has left nothing unsaid, summing up each with a perfect declaration.-- "Publishers Weekly"
Like Davis, Snijders can compose rich, complex life studies in just a handful of sentences, extracting profundity from the absurd, and vice versa. Their sensibilities are so well matched that one can hardly imagine a better translator and interlocutor for him than Davis; that kinship is likely why this collection feels so smartly, exquisitely wrought.--Jennifer Krasinski "Bookforum"
Since the 1980s Snijders has been a widely read newspaper columnist--for a long time he insisted on publishing in his local free paper as well as the national press--but that workaday writerly calling doesn't capture the strangeness of narrative and tone he smuggles onto the page--Brian Dillon "4Columns"
Night Train is a shapeshifting amalgam of fable, zen koan, commentary, lyrical essay, and autobiography. As an immersive foray into the unknown, the instability of Snijders's narrative form produces a trompe-l'oeil effect "indistinguishable from the truth," giving the reader a sensation of being at once disoriented and illuminated...This notion of reality as unknowable, or "unpsychological," represents the trademark of Snijders's fiction, allowing his narrative--as both burrowing animal and spy--to elude conventional expectations and assume an enigmatic depth, despite its compact form.--Thuy Dinh "Asymptote"
The principal through-line in Night Train is Snijders's depiction of "our shared habitual uncertainty"; wonders and doubts are held intact, unanswered, and speak to Snijders's distinct humility as a storyteller.--Chiara Bercu "Zyzzyva"