Jo Livingston is a writer.
I wrote about Lauren Berlant’s posthumous publication, On the Inconvenience of Other People, for @4_columns. Reading it is like watching an autopsy performed on a bee. Very fiddly, but cool.
"Berlant argues very eloquently... that inconvenience is, itself, political because it registers along this spectrum of political affects and feelings. But it also invites an awareness of political expectations, rights, privileges, freedoms, et cetera."
historian of mind & media @ucbhistory I book: The Distance Cure: A History of Teletherapy I Founder of @parapraxis_mag & @PsychosocialFo1
Going on being is hard work, especially when even non-revolution feels far, when “being” as a propulsive verb feels impossible. For @bookforum, I reviewed Lauren Berlant's posthumous ON THE INCONVENIENCE OF OTHER PEOPLE (@DukePress)