An analysis of the nature, causes, and significance of violence in the second half of the twentieth century. Arendt also reexamines the relationship between war, politics, violence, and power. "Incisive, deeply probing, written with clarity and grace, it provides an ideal framework for understanding the turbulence of our times"(Nation). Index.
Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) is considered one of the most important and influential thinkers of the twentieth century. A political theorist and philosopher, she is also the author of Crises of the Republic, On Violence, The Life of the Mind, and Men in Dark Times. The Origins of Totalitarianism was first published in 1951.
Author of Tracking the Franklin Expedition. Ex-union organizer, law prof, horse racing insider. Tweets on racing, Papua New Guinea and evils of capitalism.
Hannah Arendt, anticipating today’s Republican Party: “Rule by sheer violence comes into play when power is being lost.” From “On Violence,” 1970.
Victim of existential terror by @Canada, @LawSocietyLSO and @LegalAidOntario since 2014. I read books; therefore, I do not obey the government.
Good morning, @tkmdonnelly. As you know, Hannah Arendt describes totalitaianism, the horror of the holocaust, or the banality of evil, as denying the faculty of human judgment. She goes one step further in her book On Violence by calling totalitarianism: 'torture.'
f.Dptm Head/f.Erasmus AcCo/tor,JMonnet T.R.Cor/tor 2015-18 f.Director EurasianStudiesCentre, DefendingDemocracy in @univofmacedonia
Hannah Arendt Crises of the Republic: Lying in #politics ,Civil Disobedience; On Violence; Thoughts on Politics & Revolution "Under normal circumstances the liar is defeated by reality, for which there is no substitute" #books #bookstagram