My Daemon made me do it. Books include Odin's Tillit, Terraform Charlie, Time Sneak: Emergence, & Legacy of Seconds. WIPs: Parn & Way of the Hatchet.
@tonia_k_ua Wade Davis' One River is a great book about the Amazon. For Fantasy, you could try Jose P. Farmer's Riverworld Series
Founder: @McKennaAcademy. The reedition of Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss: My Life with Terence McKenna is now available!
ONE RIVER BY WADE DAVIS "In the 1970s, Schultes sent two prize students, Tim Plowman and Wade Davis, to follow in his footsteps and unveil the botanical secrets of coca, the notorious source of cocaine, a sacred plant known to the Inca as the Divine Leaf of Immortality."