A jump-roping chicken and a pig on a swing. A moose in striped pajamas and an elephant in a fuzzy one-piece with feet. In sing-along nuttiness reminiscent of Barnyard Dance!, it's time for the animals to put on their jammies and get ready for bed.
Pull on the bottoms.
Put on the top.
Get yourself set to pajama-dee-bop.
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Boynton on Board Ser.: Pajama Time! by Sandra Boynton (2000, Children’s Board… #eBay🇺🇸 #Books https://www.ebay.com/itm/393596380646?mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&mkcid=1&campid=5338833311&toolid=10044&customid=&mkevt=1
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Hear what your neighbors had to say about their Summer Reading Club picks! Evan recommends "Pajama Time" by Sandra Boynton, a large-sized board book perfect for reading aloud with your little ones. https://bit.ly/2XdaeVs "This book is hilarious! They go on a star!" https://t.co/2AqRhenHBJ
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「Pajama Time!: Oversized Lap Board Book (Boynton on Board)」 Author:Boynton, Sandra/Boynton, Sandra Publisher:Boynton Bookworks Publication date:May 02, 2023 https://t.co/Xjt6Ud8jHL