Menaka Raman (Author)
As a child Menaka Raman used to write far-fetched stories about birthday parties, water parks and floating cake disasters. As an adult, she continues to write stories-some are still far-fetched while others are not. She is the author of several picture books, short stories, and a young adult novel. When she is not killing plants and walking the family dog Woody, she is eating Nutella straight from the jar and baking very bad cakes.
Jemma Jose (Illustrator)
Jemma Jose is a kidlit illustrator who lives in very sunny Chennai and is constantly amazed that she gets to draw picture books and comics for a living. In her free time she likes to swing heavy kettlebells and draw far too many comics about her adorable indie dog, Roku.
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🍃 Join us on Sunday (December 18th), from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM, at our BANGALORE store for a fun children's book reading of PASSEPARTOUT, IS THAT YOU? with author Menaka Raman!💚 @menakaraman Register: