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YouTube philosophy guy | co-host Wisdom For Life show | host Sadler's Lectures podcast | teaches at MIAD | I get to be salty here!
@MCHammer If you ever find yourself bogged down reading Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, I've got this playlist of 300+ commentary videos on the text. Each one goes line by line through a paragraph or two (sometimes three) of that text.
Abstracta Enjoyer | AoS: B. Russell's Phil Sci, Metaphysics of Space&Time |Broadly: Philosophy of Science (Physics/Math/Logic) |PhD Candidate|#Filosofia|🇲🇽
@MCHammer I like Robert Solomon’s discussion of Hegel’s philosophy here, it’s accesible but not introductory. He also connects Hegel’s philosophical worries & ideas to the philosophical systems & worries or contemporary philosophers. Read parts of it together w The Phenomenology of Spirit.