Psychological Types is one of Jung's most important and famous works. First published in English by Routledge in the early 1920s it appeared after Jung's so-called fallow period, during which he published little, and it is perhaps the first significant book to appear after his own confrontation with the unconscious. It is the book that introduced the world to the terms 'extravert' and 'introvert'. Though very much associated with the unconscious, in Psychological Types Jung shows himself to be a supreme theorist of the conscious. In putting forward his system of psychological types Jung provides a means for understanding ourselves and the world around us: our different patterns of behaviour, our relationships, marriage, national and international conflict, organizational functioning.
This Routledge Classics edition includes a new foreword by John Beebe.
Carl Gustav Jung (1875 - 1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist who founded the school of psychology known as analytical psychology. Jung established the concepts of the extraverted and the introverted personality, archetypes, and the collective unconscious.
A magazine of history and ideas. Our latest issue is Freedom.
From the archives: Carl Jung’s fight to find psychological types.
'For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.' ― Vincent van Gogh
@TLN406 @thevivafrei Most of our society is in "dire need of therapy". Or more self-reflection & introspection. Some psychological types experience more alienation & repression in this culture, others conform more easily. None are sane. “Show me a sane person and I'll cure him for you.” -Carl Jung
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"His retreat into himself is not a final renunciation of the world, but a search for quietude, where alone it is possible for him to make his contribution to the life of the community." Carl Jung Psychological Types
"[Jung] has shown with signal lucidity that each person has a right to live according to his own type, and his presentation of the guiding principles for the recognition of the type is one of the most humanitarian achievements that has become manifest." New York Times
"This volume is drastically serious, positive, didactic, classic and yet more than stimulating. It is energizing, liberating and recreative. The author shows an amazingly sympathetic and comprehensive knowledge of the introvert of the thinking type, and hardly less for his other types." New York Times
" has been an astounding phenomenon that a single person could develop such an important dynamic typology with such exhaustive inclusiveness between his 38th and 45th years of life. Jung not only saw the need and the problem but formulated and refined the theory to a point that stands the test of time." Wayne K. Detloff, Psychological Perspectives
"When I first found Bayne's translation, in 1932, I felt that this was the most important book that I had ever read. Since then, I have found no reason to revise my opinion." Joseph B. Wheelwright, Journal of Analytical Psychology