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On this day in #StarWars: April 05, 1950, A. C. Crispin is born! She was the author of the Han Solo trilogy, including the books The Paradise Snare, The Hutt Gambit, and Rebel Dawn, which tell the backstory of Han Solo. Her contribution to Star Wars will never be forgotten. https://t.co/0GHXis4yMX
#BobaFettFanClub at https://t.co/yX6FT0XXKd • Est. 27 years ago in 1996 • Legacy Verified
"The bounty on her is one hundred thousand." — #BobaFett Released on this day in 1998, "Rebel Dawn" by the late A.C. Crispin was the 3rd book in the #HanSolo trilogy where Fett was hired by a Hutt to capture a Rebel officer. More info: https://t.co/0m9lkEmUxi #BobaFettFanClub https://t.co/zOs3vooSw2