Nine is the ninth citizen born in her batch of ten. By design, life in Freedom Province is without complications or consequences. However, such freedom comes with a price and the Prime Maker is determined to keep that price a secret. But Nine isn't like every other batcher: Nine's indecision and worry about the upcoming Remake Day lead to discoveries and questions about who is really in control.
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If you like Dystopian YA, be sure to check out Remake by Ilima Todd. You can enter to win a signed copy on our...
Finished #Remake by @ilimaktodd !! As part of iRead Book Tours, I'll be reviewing this closer to the release date on Oct 14! @NouveauWriter
Author. Ravenclaw. Runner. Musicals. Cook. Karateka. Singer. My YA books: Remembrandt, Van Gogh Gone, & Memory of Monet. Rep’d by Liza Fleissig @LizaRoyceAgency
I'm so excited I got to meet Ilima Todd tonight at her book launch of Remake. It's premise is what…