Duke University Press Scholars of Color First Book Award Recipient
feminist | gay | black | imagining freedom
"I write this book from the place of catching feelings."—Hugo ka Canham, Riotous Deathscapes https://t.co/KfkPgDI0JI (yes, preorder this book)
News, analysis and commentary from the Black Left.
BAR Book Forum: Hugo ka Canham’s Book, “Riotous Deathscapes” - @HugokaCanham, in this week's @blkagendareport Book Forum: https://t.co/LEDmed9UZP
make art, not war//books//research communications//mobility// kgolengkarabo(at)gmail(dot)com
‘Riotous Deathscapes charts a course of black life in vast deathscapes. It is a portrait of life among the dead’—an excerpt from Hugo ka Canham’s new book https://t.co/HTTnyUwnb7 via @joburgreview