With modern-day issues explored against a backdrop of horror, The Swamp Thing stories became commentaries on environmental, political and social issues, unflinching in their relevance. Saga of the Swamp Thing Book One collects issues #20-27 of this seminal series including the never-before-reprinted Saga of The Swamp Thing #20, where Moore takes over as writer and concludes the previous storyline.
Book One begins with the story "The Anatomy Lesson," a haunting origin story that reshapes Swamp Thing mythology with terrifying revelations that begin a journey of discovery and adventure that will take him across the stars and beyond.
Crow. Maybe Author/Writer/Poet.
#NowReading Saga Of The Swamp Thing Book One. By Alan Moore (1983) https://t.co/N8ig1v0fi2
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「Saga of the Swamp Thing: Book One (English Edition)」 Author:Moore, Alan/Stephen Bissette/John Totleben/Bissette, Stephen Publisher:Vertigo Publication date:October 02, 2012 https://t.co/7haj2jx43n